Meet the Mentors
The YEC mentors are older students (typically Yr 9-11), who have been a member of the YEC for at least one year. The YEC mentors' roles are to welcome and guide the newer members, continuing the inclusive and supportive culture of young people taking action for sustainability.
This has the added benefit of the mentors developing their leadership skills, whilst also transitioning these older members onto other things beyond the YEC.
This has the added benefit of the mentors developing their leadership skills, whilst also transitioning these older members onto other things beyond the YEC.
What do you love about nature/the environment? I love the beauty of nature and the complexity of the ecosystem. I also love all the animals, especially birds. What environmental/sustainability projects, actions or groups have you been involved in? I am involved with the Care for Country program at my school, and I was part of the Youth Coastal Ambassadors program last year. What has your YEC experience been like? What do you love about the YEC? I was in the YEC last year and it was such an amazing experience. I learnt so much and I have certainly benefitted from it a lot. |
What do you love about nature/the environment? I love every factor of the environment; I try to look around everywhere and test my knowledge by seeing if I can name all the birds and the indigenous plants by their Latin name. I especially love birds, they are beautiful and complex animals that surprise me every time I see one, whether it be common birds to migratory shorebirds. What environmental/sustainability projects, actions or groups have you been involved in? I am lucky enough to be a part of the YEC. I have an environmental project to create and restore habitat for Fleurieu bird species where I planted over 800 indigenous plants over five ecosystems. I have memberships with Birds SA and Birdlife Aus. I participate in bird counting with local groups and Birdlife SA. I also participate in projects through my school such as the Youth Climate Summit and voluntary planting, one being the Back from the Brink project. What has your YEC experience been like? What do you love about the YEC? I have loved meeting like-minded people who help to inspire and push each other, to do something amazing and work on a project that helps to make a sustainable environment. I was super excited that I got the chance to make a difference by revegetating and restoring habitat. I learnt lots about getting permission to work on different land and writing a document on my project. It was an awesome way to get outside and to connect with the natural world. |
What do you love about nature/the environment? I love to surround myself in nature and admire the natural wildlife. Whether that be swimming at my local beach or hiking deep within the forest. What environmental/sustainability projects, actions or groups have you been involved in? Conducted a research project with Olivia to find the more sustainable spinach. We then won the 'Best food and fibre projects - senior category' for the Royal Adelaide Show Science Investigation Awards. Set up a bush tucker garden with Olivia in our school for the home ec centre. 2023 Coastal Ambassador. Part of the 2023 SA Youth Forum where we discuss a range of issues including the environment/sustainability. Volunteer work planting trees. Participated in a variety of environmental forums. What has your YEC experience been like? What do you love about the YEC? My YEC experience has been one of the best things I've ever done. I've had the opportunity to connect with like-minded people about issues concerning the environment. I've made friendships that'll last a lifetime and I can't express how grateful I am for the opportunity. |
What do you love about nature/the environment? The way that it can change, develop and grow, creating habitats and homes for animals. I love the noises and sounds that nature brings. My walks in the morning and my runs at night. I love all the different colours it brings and the foods I can grow. It makes me happy. What environmental/sustainability projects, actions or groups have you been involved in? YELP, YEC, Powershift, school environment team, Royal Adelaide Show, Kids Teaching Kids, Eco-leaders, Coastal Ambassadors, Aquaponics system project, revegetation project, Adelaide Festival. What has your YEC experience been like? What do you love about the YEC? YEC is the step up from my primary school years and was one of the best decisions I have made. I have met so many other young people with the same passion as I have and have had many more opportunities. The amazing projects kids in this council come up with are inspiring. I have learnt a lot from others and I think I have had a good opportunity to voice my opinion. |
What do you love about nature/the environment? I love spending time outdoors whether that's hiking, walking my dog or playing sport. I have a passion for horse riding and love spending time with all kinds of animals. What environmental/sustainability projects, actions or groups have you been involved in? Participated in a variety of environmental forums. This year I am a part of the Coastal Ambassadors program. Conducted a research project with Layla on the difference between Bower and Baby Spinach. As part of that we won the 'Best food and fibre projects - senior category' for the Royal Adelaide Show Science Investigation Awards. Set up a bush tucker garden within our school for use of our home ec rooms. Volunteered with biodiversity McLaren Vale planting native bushes. What has your YEC experience been like? What do you love about the YEC? I love being able to connect with like-minded people and learn about what I can do to help make a positive change to the environment and my community. Since being a part of the YEC, I have been able to help make positive changes to my school by setting up a bush tucker garden. |
What do you love about nature/the environment? There are many things I love about nature and the environment! One part of nature that I love is the ‘waterhole’. The ‘waterhole’ is what my family calls the block of land my Pa, who is my grandfather, owns! Some parts I love about it are the waterhole itself, the small waterfall nearby, and a special tree that my great-grandfather planted! Another part of nature I love are my local beaches! One of my favourites is called Fishery Bay, where I like to boogie board! What environmental/sustainability projects, actions or groups have you been involved in? The main environmental project I’ve been a part of was, and still is, my work towards creating a school herb garden. So far, I’ve held a casual clothes day at school, with a ‘Green for Garden’ theme, that successfully raised over $100! Unfortunately, I haven’t been a part of many environmentally-related groups aside from the YEC. I feel like this is especially difficult since I live rurally and haven’t managed to find many options. What has your YEC experience been like? What do you love about the YEC? When it comes to the YEC, my experience has been amazing! One thing I absolutely loved was attending the three-day camp! I also loved meeting like-minded people around my age! This is especially great since, I haven’t met environmentally interested teens/tweens at my school and in my local community, aside from my sister of course! I also loved how the YEC helped me further develop my confidence and organisation skills! Overall, my YEC experience has been extremely positive, and I’ve loved it very much! |