Angus - Biodiversity corridors for wildlife
Ashwyn - Reintroducing indigenous plants to our school Caitlin and Harrison - Bee hotels to boost local biodiversity Caleb - Saving the school skinks Chelsea - Developing a memorial garden from bare dirt Ethan and Jasmine - Creating homes for native animals Grace and Caitlin - Native bee hotels and sustainable skin care Harrison - Understanding and promoting native bees Harry - Creating a butterfly garden from a bare patch Indiana - Tree planting for the future Inika - Mystery of the disappearing biodiversity Jazmin - Raising awareness of the endangered Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Jay - Backyard critter investigation Joshua - Creating habitat for native birds Josh - Hotel rooms for native bees Keira - Protecting iconic species at Lipson Cove Kira - Revealing the mysteries of Ruby saltbush Liam - Revegetating with native plants Mikaela - Finishing the pond so the frogs will come Patrick - Native bee hotel Sophia and Vasilisa - Garden legacy to continue Four ways of taking action on biodiversity and conservation |